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  • Respectful - Responsible - Ready to learn

Compass for Life

We are incredibly proud to be a Compass for Life School.

In January 2022, we started working with Floyd Woodrow, founder of Compass for Life. The programme aligns to our vision and intent of wanting our pupils to be the best they can and to achieve this by aiming high. The ultimate aim of Compass for Life is to help young people identify their own ‘super north star’ and use this to provide a purpose and context for learning, both in school and beyond the school gates.

Compass for Life also provides a strong framework for character education, raising aspirations and encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their own direction.  As part of their journey, pupils learn to develop their warrior spirit, understand what their ethos is and plan their own pathway and strategy.

As part of our implementation, we have been incredibly fortunate to work with Floyd who led a whole school assembly, year group workshops and parent and staff workshops. During these sessions we explored the importance of having a super north star, the significance of values as our common language and realising that no matter your age, you never stop learning and having ambition. To support this, our pupils have been given their own learning journal where each year they will create their super north star map, setting and reviewing personal and school targets termly.

Lessons are held weekly, with a focus on one of the four cardinals.

Already we have seen what a huge impact Compass for Life is having on our school community – our pupils, families and staff.  The language we are using is changing, we are more aspirational, committed and making purposeful links with current learning and future choices.

Come and talk to us about our super north stars and current steps we are taking to achieve our goals.

Compass For Life is a unique approach that provides a framework for students that empowers them to take responsibility for their own learning and to achieve their ambitions in partnership with their teachers. It also helps the teachers develop their own compass as they journey with their students to higher levels of performance.

North Star:

The Super North Star: Your purpose, your dream. A job, skill, or ambition that requires hard work and commitment to achieve. This Super North Star sits on the horizon and no matter the obstacle keeps drawing you forward. This is the adventurer side of you.


Your values and behaviours are critical to achieving your purpose. If your ethos is ethical and authentic you are on the correct path. Then you must establish the team code of conduct this ensure that the teams behaviours are aligned in order to ensure that the team result comes first.


You need to be a strategist, to have a clear plan derived from facts and analysis with realistic milestones and contingencies in place. To be patient, and communicate your strategy in all mediums to those who have to deliver it. To be ego-free and ethical.

Warrior Spirit:

Your warrior spirit is about your strength of character, your desire to step into the pressure zone and fight for what you believe. It is where you have the appropriate skill sets, mental and physical resilience, you are courageous, committed and determined to succeed. You are a decision maker and team player where necessary. You ensure you get to each milestone no matter what.

Barnfield Primary School