We have a positive approach to learning, using our learning energy and immersing ourselves in school life.
Our sole aim is to provide a primary school education that your child(ren) will remember forever with overwhelming positivity. We want our learning to inspire our children to be kind, well-rounded, confident individuals with high aspirations. We focus on producing children who, through their enjoyment of learning, achieve very high standards in the essential academic areas of reading, writing and maths. In addition, our staff work hard together to create exciting broarder curriculum experiences to inspire the children in ICT, design and technology, art, geography, music, French, religious education and physical education.
Children are encouraged to immerse themselves in all areas of school life. Children’s ideas are listened to and valued. Working in partnership with parents and the community is crucial if we are to ensure all of our children feel safe, happy, valued and achieve their full potential. As a result we have an open door policy so please ring or email the office if you have any ideas or concerns.
Welcome to Barnfield Primary School
Mrs Goodwin
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My child is really happy at Barnfield, she has great friends and is making good progress with her lessons. The teachers and staff are always so kind and helpful. Thank you.
- A Parent
Compass for Life is a great way for my child to plan their future goals.
- A Parent
Barnfield is a great school, all my children have come to this school. I feel so happy as I know the staff love and look after my children.
- A Parent
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Please look under the key information tab and click ‘calendar’.
All children should be in their classrooms by 8.50am. The gates open at 8.40am to provide a ‘soft start’. EYFS and Key Stage 1 children enter via the gates on Gaskarth Road.
Key Stage 2 children enter via the Silkstream gates.
We encourage our children to walk into school on their own. Parents are able to wave goodbye at the gates. Key stage 2 children can walk with their younger siblings via the Gasgarth gate and then through the school building to Key Stage Two.
The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Adults who collect children from both infants and juniors are asked to collect their older child/children first before following the one way system to infant playground.
We respectfully ask families to line up before the gates open to show consideration to our neighbours and each other.
We have a breakfast club which runs from 8am and is led by school staff.
After school provision is delivered by TreeTops, the link can be found under the parent information tab, or by clicking here.
Any request to take your child out of school during term time should be completed via our absence request form, available online and from the office.
These are reviewed on an individual basis. Any exceptional circumstances will be discussed with families before a decision is made. Please note, we will request supporting evidence as part of our process.
The school is unable to authorise requests for families to go on holiday during term time. If a child is absent and is away on holiday, a fine may be issued in conjunction with Barnet Local Authority.