In our school we have high expectations of all our pupils from the youngest to oldest. Threaded throughout our curriculum, is an ethos which helps our children recognise that anything is possible through hard work and effort. It is so important our pupils know this.
Throughout their journey in our school, we intend to develop articulate, caring children with a thirst for knowledge. We want our pupils to be resilient individuals who are not afraid to take risks. Our children will know how to lead healthy lives both physically and emotionally and
embrace the culturally diverse community we live in and celebrate.
We are determined that by the time our children are ready to leave our school, they will be confident, successful students and role models.
This is achieved through our 5 principles which is explicitly shared with all pupils to help them become more confident and resilient young people:
I am creative
I am healthy
I am curious
I am empathetic
I am ambitious
We believe our curriculum should be relevant to children’s life experiences; reflect the diverse community Barnfield is part of, inspire and engage pupils in their learning, while enabling children to work collaboratively using their imaginations.
Our Curriculum is underpinned by Rosenshine’s 10 principles of instructions. To help the delivery of National Curriculum expectations we use the following schemes, which we adapt where necessary to ensure all children can access and are working towards being the best they can:
Maths – White Rose
English – Power of Reading
Phonics – Bug Club Phonics
PSHE – Jigsaw & CWP
History – CUSP
Geography – CUSP
Science – CUSP
Computing – Teach Computing
Art and Design – KAPOW
Design and Technology – KAPOW
PE – Non Stop Action
Music – KAPOW
RE – Barnet syllabus
French – Language Angels
Useful documents
Below you will find links to each subject we teach at Barnfield. These pages contain more information about our teaching and learning approaches within each subject. Please look at the curriculum subject overview, found under the ‘useful documents’ section, which outlines the progression within the subject area from EYFS to year 6.
If you have any questions about the content or our approaches, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.