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Newsletter Issue 50

Newsletter Issue 43


Newsletter Issue 42


Newsletter Issue 40


Newsletter Issue 36


Newsletter Issue 34

Newsletter Issue 33

Newsletter Issue 32

Newsletter Issue 31

Newsletter Issue 26

Newsletter Issue 25

Newsletter Issue 24

Newsletter Issue 23

Newsletter Issue 22

Newsletter Issue 21

Newsletter Issue 18

Newsletter Issue 17

Newsletter Issue 16

Newsletter Issue 14

Newsletter Issue 13

Newsletter Issue 12

Newsletter Issue 11

Newsletter Issue 9 & 10

Newsletter Issue 8

Newsletter Issue 7

Newsletter Issue 6

Newsletter Issue 5

Newsletter Issue 4

Newsletter Issue 3

Newsletter Issue 42

Newsletter Issue 40

Newsletter Issue 39

Newsletter Issue 35

Newsletter Issue 34

Newsletter Issue 33

Newsletter Issue 32

Newsletter Issue 29

Newsletter Issue 28

Newsletter Issue 27

Newsletter Issue 26

Newsletter Issue 25

Newsletter Issue 24

Newsletter Issue 23

Newsletter Issue 22

Newsletter Issue 21

Newsletter Issue 21

Newsletter Issue 20

Newsletter Issue 19

Newsletter Issue 18

Newsletter Issue 17

Newsletter Issue 16

Newsletter Issue 15

School CLOSED today – 12.12.22

School is CLOSED today due to heavy overnight snow making it difficult for staff and pupils to travel in safely. Learning will be up on Google Classroom by 9am. The site is being made safe this morning and we will update families ahead of tomorrow.

Newsletter Issue 14

Newsletter Issue 13

Newsletter Issue 10

Newsletter Issue 9

Newsletter Issue 8

Newsletter Issue 7

Newsletter Issue 6

Newsletter Issue 5

Newsletter Issue 4

It’s Harvest Time!

Ms Tailor is organising her first Harvest event at Barnfield, we would really appreciate your support. All donations will be given to our local food bank to help our community.   harvest poster

Mobile app support for families

Click on the links below to find out more information on how to keep your child safe when using mobile phone and apps.   Guide to apps   Wellbeing apps guide for kids Monitoring apps parents’ guide Apps to help kids get active

Newsletter Issue 3

Newsletter Issue 2

Newsletter Issue 1

Sports Day!

A huge thank you to all adults/parents who attended sports day at Barnfield this year. The children loved having the support from their adults, cheering them on and seeing them having fun was a joy. There has been a real buzz around the school and the children have thoroughly enjoyed working together as a team, […]

International Evening

How emotional and full of joy it was to come together for International Evening on Thursday 30th of June, where embracing and celebrating our richly diverse community is at the heart of this truly special occasion. We have not been able to host this event for the last couple of years, however the wait was […]

Flag Day

Big thank you for all your efforts on FLAG DAY, which was held on Tuesday the 28th of June, when everyone was encouraged to come dressed as a flag from around the world. There were some fantastic creative responses to this challenge. Funds raised helped towards our sound system for International Evening and also for […]

Barnet Music Festival

Barnfield Choir (year 4 to year 6)  went to the Arts Depot in North Finchley, where they performed with six other schools. The children sang their own song and then they also sang in harmonies. It was a wonderful experience where the children were so excited and did amazingly well! Well done, Barnfield Choir!

Gardening at Barnfield!

One on our five values in Barnfield is “Healthy Me” and one way we are showing this is by growing vegetables in our school garden. Children from year 1-6 all got involved and learned about why vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, how to best take care for our garden and how […]

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Just before half term, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at Barnfield. Children and staff came to school dressed as kings and queens – We were very impressed by the fantastic outfits! In the morning, we learnt about the Queen’s life and did lots of fun activities. After lunch, we had parties outside! Thank you […]

Eid al-Fitr Assembly

On Friday 6th May, a group of children from years 3-6 lead our Eid al-Fitr Assemblies in school. They told us about why and how they celebrated Eid al-Fitr at home. It was amazing to see their beautiful clothes and the special food they had brought into school. A huge thank you to Miss Simpson […]

Infant Easter Assembly

Thank you to Miss Simpson for organising our Easter assemblies! Congratulations to all the winners!  

Year 2 Trip to Edgware Masorti Synagogue

Year 2 visited Edgware Masorti Synagogue on Friday 25th March. They looked at the Ark and the Torah scrolls. They asked lots of great questions and learnt a lot! Thank you so much to the staff at the synagogue!

Year 1 Trip to the Islamic Centre, Edgware

Year 1 really enjoyed their trip to the Islamic Centre in Edgware on Thursday 17th March. They learnt about key features of the mosque and explored the artefacts such as a braille version of the Qur’an. The staff at the mosque said that the children were “very attentive and well-behaved. It was a pleasure to […]

Creativity Week – Gallery

Gallery Event – Curious, Creative, Ambitious Me It was absolutely wonderful to welcome all our families back for a community event after all this time. We held two gallery events this week showcasing the stunning pieces created by our Barnfield artists in Creativity Week, where as a school we explored the theme of ‘Journeys’ in […]

Rocksteady Music Visit

We really enjoyed having Tim from Rocksteady Music School to visit us today! Thank you for a fantastic session, and well done to all the children for their enthusiasm!

Book Character Day!

Today we celebrated Book Character Day at Barnfield – It was amazing to see all the costumes and hear about the children’s favourite books!

National Inventors’ Day

On Friday 11th February, we celebrated National Inventors’ Day at Barnfield. Miss Parr, our Science leader, organised some fun activities for classes to do in their Science lessons. She also organised a competition to create the most exciting invention! The children’s creativity was amazing and we were all so impressed with the competition entries! Miss […]

Creativity Week

In week 5, Barnfield held its annual Creativity Week, with this year’s theme being ‘Journeys’, inspired by our new programme ‘Compass for Life’. Each year group had a focus art piece that explored the term ‘journeys’, creating opportunities for the children to talk about their own journeys in life, their hopes and dreams, as well […]

Junior Christmas Production

The juniors worked really hard over the Autumn term for our Christmas production “Bah Humbug”! The production was a success thanks to their amazing acting, singing and dancing skills. Well done, Juniors!

Reception Nativity

In Reception we thoroughly enjoyed learning and performing our Nativity songs!

Year 1 & 2 Nativity

Year 1 and 2 performed their Nativity on Friday 10th December. We have recorded a video, which we will share with families soon! We were very proud of all the children for their amazing acting and singing! Well done to everyone!

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 10th December, we had Christmas Jumper Day at Barnfield! We all brought in £1 for the charity “Save the Children”. It was lovely seeing everyone’s jumpers!

Odd Socks Day

On Monday 15th November, it was “Odd Socks Day” at Barnfield. This marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week. It encouraged children and staff to think about what makes us all unique!

Poetry Competition

Well done to Salma in 5G was the worthy winner of the competition ‘Proud to be…’ Thank you to all the children in the juniors who entered the competition; there were some amazing entries!

Infant Music Festival

On Wednesday 10th November, Year 1 went to the Infant Music Festival. Their singing was fantastic and their teachers were very proud of them!

Black History Month

For the month of October, we explored important figures and moments in Black History, both around the world and here in Britain. We took this as a time to also reflect upon the contribution we make to our own communities, along with exploring and celebrating our richly diverse Barnfield family and its heritage, fully embracing […]


This week, we have been celebrating Harvest. The children produced wonderful artwork, read poems and sang our Harvest song! Well done to all the children, and thank you to all the families who donated food!

World Mental Health Day

On Friday 8th October, we marked World Mental Health Day at Barnfield. Children and staff wore yellow to school, and we talked about different ways in which we can look after our mental health.

Jeans for Genes Day

Thank you to everyone who brought in £1 on Jeans for Genes Day! The money raised will make a huge difference to the lives of children affected by genetic disorders.

Sports Day

Well done to all the children for their fantastic effort on our Sports Days this week!

Walk to School Week

Our “Creativity Week” Gallery Pieces

Here are the final pieces created by our Barnfield artists for Creativity Week, where the children were inspired by the wonder of trees, exploring these incredible forms of nature through the eyes of different artists. Nursery looked at Paul Klee’s ‘Bird Garden’. Reception looked at various pieces by the artist Henri Rousseau. Year 2 explored […]

Gallery Event

We were finally able to hold a socially-distanced gallery event for the children, showcasing the stunning artworks created by our Barnfield artists in our ‘Among the Trees’ Creativity Week, held back in November. With sounds of nature playing in the background and real trees surrounding the space, the children had time to celebrate their achievements […]

Science Month Competition

For our Science Month competition, children were challenged to create an invention which would be helpful in the future. We were overwhelmed by the creativity of the children… Well done to all the children who took part, and huge congratulations to the winners!

Creativity Week

Before we went into lockdown, we held Creativity Week here at Barnfield. Our theme this year was ‘Among the Trees’ inspired by the recent exhibition at the Hayward Gallery. This theme challenged our children to look closely at this form of nature, explore it’s stunning and unique features, how it impacts our lives and the […]

World Book Day

This year for World Book Day, we dressed up as adjectives! How many different adjectives can you spot in these pictures? Which other adjectives can you think of?      

The Nativity

On Wednesday 16th December, Year 2 performed the Nativity story. They performed beautifully and we are so proud of them! Thank you to Miss Williamson, Miss Coussins, Miss Ali, Mrs Wagjiani, Miss Ghetau and Mrs Lasker for all their hard work in helping the children and organising the costumes! Year 2 parents/carers – The video […]

Nursery Christmas Concert

The children in the Nursery rode their camels, like the three kings, all the way to Bethlehem as they performed their Christmas concert. We are so proud of their efforts and enthusiastic dance moves.

Christmas Jumper Day

We really enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day 2020 at Barnfield! Thank you to all the children and staff who brought in £1 for the charity “Save the Children”!   

Odd Socks Day

On Monday 16th November, it was “Odd Socks Day” at Barnfield. This marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week. It encouraged children and staff to think about what makes us all unique!

Infant Music Festival

On Morning 16th November, our year two children took part in the first ever online Infant Music Festival, together with some other Barnet schools. This year, the theme was “Music that we love” and the activities focussed around the story “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance”. A huge well done to all the children, and thank you to […]

Black History Month

For the month of October, we explored important figures and moments in Black History, both around the world and here in Britain. We took this as a time to also reflect upon the contribution we make to our own communities, along with exploring and celebrating our richly diverse Barnfield family and its heritage. As we […]


On Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October, Mr Quigley led Harvest assemblies across the school. A huge well done to all the children who shared poetry, facts and artwork related to Harvest! Many thanks for all the families who kindly contributed food!  

Talks by the London Fire Brigade

On Wednesday 14th October, Year 2 and Year 5 had talks from the London Fire Brigade. They learnt: To know the top 5 causes of fire in domestic premises and measures their parents/ guardians could take to prevent them from happening. To understand the importance of having a working smoke alarm and knowing where their […]

World Mental Health Day

This week, we have been talking about mental health and wellbeing in assembly. To mark World Mental Health Day on 10th October, children and staff wore something yellow to school on Friday 10th October and brought in £1 each for the charity Young Minds. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Year 5 Museum of London trip

Last Friday Year 5 took a trip into London to visit the Museum of London and learn more about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons. We were able to see an Ancient Roman wall on the way there too! All of the children were so well behaved and it was a great experience being out altogether […]

September 10 – 2019

It has been wonderful to meet the children and many of you over the last two weeks. We are very fortunate to have such enthusiastic, skilled and dedicated staff who have been working hard to ensure a smooth start to the year. I have been impressed with the calmness around school and how well the […]

Wednesday 17th July 2019

This year seems to have flown by and so much has been achieved! There is also so much to say thank you for. A huge thank you to all members of the school staff who work so hard to ensure that each child gets the best possible opportunity whilst they are with us. A special […]

Wednesday 10th July 2019

Our Year 6 SATS results (the tests they took in May) have come out and we are extremely proud of all the children.  They are our best set of results yet and we continue to achieve significantly above the national results.  This shows the hard work and dedication of the children, staff and parents.  Amazing […]

Wednesday 3rd July 2019

A massive thank you to everyone who came to International Evening, who cooked food to share and who joined in this very special event with us all, it was a wonderful evening.  I would like to say a very special ‘Thank You’ to Sharyn Biggs (our Nursery Teacher) who organised this whole event, I think […]

Wednesday 26th June 2019

We look forward to seeing as many of our families as possible for International Evening on 27th June.  Remember those who have prepared food can arrive to set up from 6pm and for everyone else it is a 6.30pm start.   It may well be hot so please ensure that you have sun cream, hats […]

Wednesday 19th June 2019

Many of our Year 6 children are away this week at Tolmers Camp.  I have been in touch with everyone there on a regular basis and they are all having an amazing time.  We look forward to seeing them on Friday when they return and hearing all about their great adventure. Mrs O’Sullivan retires next […]

Wednesday 12th June 2019

Our Junior choir are off to perform today at the Barnet Music Festival, their singing is amazing and I know that they will really enjoy the experience of performing to a large audience.  A special thanks to Miss Halil for all her hard work with the choir and also to Mrs King for going with […]

Wednesday 5th June 2019

We start the last half term of the year and it is wonderful to see everyone back after the holidays.  Just before the break we had our Healthy Week and our sponsored event of the dance-a-thon.  We raised an amazing amount of just over £1600!  This brings our total fundraising so far this year to […]

Wednesday 22nd May 2019

This week is Health Week and we have a really strong focus on thinking about how we can look after our bodies through exercise and healthy eating.  The children are already very knowledgeable about this and have been keen to share their ideas on the real importance of staying healthy.  It has also been fabulous to […]

Wednesday 15th May 2019

Our Year 6 children are working so hard doing their SATs tests this week.  These are tests that all children sit nationally just before they go to secondary school.  I am so impressed with the hard work that they have put into all of their work this year and also for the mature way that […]

Bingo Challenge

Some children who took part in the Barnfield Bingo Challenge received bronze, silver and gold prizes. The gold winners all chose a book to keep. Well done to everyone from years 1 – 6 who took part!

Wednesday 8th May 2019

Mrs O’Sullivan, who has been Pastoral Manager at the school for 17 years, is retiring at the end of June. Her last working day will be Thursday 27th June, which is also the date of International Evening.  We are very sad that she is leaving as her contribution to the school has been immense.  She […]

Thursday 2nd May 2019

Being in school it is wonderful to hear all the staff constantly stating how hard the children are working and the progress that they are making.   It is also great to see so many of our children working together, taking responsibilities and thinking of others.  I continue to be impressed with our Year 6 children as they […]

Wednesday 24th April 2019

Welcome back for the start of the summer term.  I hope that everyone had a lovely break. The summer term is always very exciting with so many things to look forward to. We will have our amazing International Evening, which is taking place in June, this is always a highlight of the school year. We […]

Year 4 Easter Production

On Thursday 4th April, Year 4 performed their Easter Production. Their acting and singing were absolutely fantastic and we were incredibly proud of them! Well done, Year 4!  

Wednesday 3rd April 2019

A massive thank you to everyone who made cakes, donated cakes or who helped to sell cakes last Friday.  We made over £400!  This is an amazing achievement and all the money goes to the school fund for new playground equipment for the school.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  A special thank you to Miss […]

Barnfield Primary School