Our Year 6 SATS results (the tests they took in May) have come out and we are extremely proud of all the children. They are our best set of results yet and we continue to achieve significantly above the national results. This shows the hard work and dedication of the children, staff and parents. Amazing achievement – well done to everyone.
Children will have brought home a letter this week informing you of their new teacher and teaching assistant for September. We have 3 new class teachers joining us, Miss Simpson in Year 5, Mrs Leane in Year 2 and also Miss Hanham in Year 1, we know that they will be fabulous additions to the school. Sadly though we will be saying goodbye to Miss Heath (in Year 6) who is leaving to go to work in an International School in Kuwait. We also say goodbye to Miss Sager (Year 1) and Miss Birer (Nursery) who have both gained posts in schools closer to their homes. Miss Coussins will be starting her maternity leave in September and we will be looking forward to hearing her exciting news at the start of the new school year. Also leaving is Mrs Lafferty, our deputy SENCo and our teaching assistant Mrs Saboor. We do thank all of these staff for the amazing contribution that they have made towards Barnfield and wish them the very best for their futures.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Sports Days. The children all had a great time and I would like to send a special thanks to Miss Sager who organised all 4 events. They were fabulous!
Our 90th Birthday party on Friday was amazing. The sun was shining, there was lots of dancing and everyone really enjoyed it. All the children should have brought home a special 90th Barnfield bookmark so that they can remember the event.