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White Rose Maths


At Barnfield we use the White Rose scheme of work to teach Maths. White Rose Maths is an organisation that provides maths resources and schemes of learning for pupils of all ages, from early years to secondary school. The schemes of learning outlines yearly frameworks that break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the learning objectives stated in the National Curriculum.  White Rose Maths frameworks are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with differentiated resources.

But what defines White Rose Maths more than their resources and frameworks is their approach to teaching maths. At the heart of their resources and frameworks is the motto “Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!” — a slogan that we wholeheartedly agree with!



White Rose teaches children mathematical concepts through pictorial, practical and written methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths and improve fluency. Fluency in Maths is about developing number sense and being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task at hand and be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts.

It uses the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstact) approach, which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. CPA was developed by American psychologist Jerome Bruner.

White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring you a mini-series called Maths with Michael. We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and can sometimes find it difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods in maths.

Follow the link below to watch a short video about White Rose Maths and common questions parents ask.



TT Rock Stars


At Barnfield we know how important it is to learn our multiplication tables and  corresponding division facts. From year 2, we use a website called Times Tables Rockstars to help us learn our multiplication tables and division facts. Children have the opportunity to use TT Rock Stars in school and at home to help them become more confident with their recall. Pupils are encouraged to use TT Rock Stars everyday, repetition is very important when learning multiplication and division facts so the more practice the better.




How do we assess Times Tables knowledge? 

Each half term, the children are assessed using a times tables rock stars grid. We then teach the multiplication and division facts which children need to learn. Class teachers set the games on Times Tables Rockstars to suit the needs of the children. As the children play Times Tables rockstars at school and at home, the website cleverly analyses the questions that children are struggling with and creates a report for teachers showing which facts to focus on. The website allows teachers to see how often children are using times tables rock stars at home as well as school.


Rock Star status

Each time a child improves their rockstar status, they will progress to the next level. A child must maintain a consistent speed for ten games in order to move up a status. Here are the different levels available and the speed in which children need to answer multiplication/ division questions.

Speed Intervals (sec/qu) Status
Speed ≤ 1 Rock Hero
1 < Speed ≤ 2 Rock Legend
2 < Speed ≤ 3 Rock Star
3 < Speed ≤ 4 Headliner
4 < Speed ≤ 5 Support Act
5 < Speed ≤ 6 Breakthrough Artist
6 < Speed ≤ 7 Unsigned Act
7 < Speed ≤ 8 Gigger
8 < Speed ≤ 9 Busker
9 < Speed ≤ 10 Garage Rocker
Speed > 10 Wannabe


Which tables/ division facts does my child need to know?

Year 1-  count in 2s, 5s and 10s

Year 2-  recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

Year 3- recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Year 4- recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12

Year 5/6- consolidate understanding of all multiplication tables and division facts up to 12X12. In year 5/6 children learn to identify and use their knowledge of:

  • Prime numbers
  • composite numbers
  • Multiples
  • Factors and factor pairs

They can choose one of the following games:

Single Player

Garage – Best for getting quicker at a few facts.

Studio – The questions in the Studio can be anything from 1×1 up to 12×12. This is where they can improve their Rock Status!



Rock Arena – They can compete against other members of their band (Maths class).

Rock Festival – They can compete against other TT Rockstars from across the world!


Mobile app

The mobile app is also available to download on all iOS and Android devices. This allows your child to play on portable devices when outside of the classroom. They can also play offline meaning that if you are in an area with poor internet connection or do not have internet access they can still practise.

Play here:


Useful documents

Barnfield Primary Maths overview

White Rose Maths Progression Document

Barnfield Primary School