The agreed Barnet Syllabus for Religious Education (November 2018) is the basis for our curriculum.
The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that our pupils can gain knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.
At Barnfield Primary we believe that Religious Education plays an integral role in developing our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth, where tolerant and respectful attitudes towards others are developed for all. Our RE curriculum provides our pupils with high quality RE education, which both respects and draws on pupils diverse religious, cultural experiences. As a proud, diverse community, we are able to learn from each other and from others. Our curriculum supports children’s understanding of the world, whilst deepening their knowledge of their own and others’ cultural and religious traditions. Pupils are taught and encouraged to make connections between their own values and those of others. Visitors and local visits to places of worship support and enhance this.
As well as developing factual knowledge of a variety of religions, we also encourages students to ask questions about life, develop self-reflection and promotes attitudes of confidence and thoughtfulness about themselves. We incorporate philosophy questions to develop the skill of ‘deeper’ thinking.
Useful documents
Barnfield Primary School Overview REBarnet RE Syllabus