- Respectful - Responsible - Ready to learn
Permission to walk home alone for children in Year 5 and Year 6
Dear Parent/Carer,
At Barnfield Primary School children from Year 5 and Year 6 are allowed to go home alone with signed permission from their Parents/ Carers. In order that we can update our records, we would like Parents/ Carers who wish their Year 5 or Year 6 child to walk home alone to complete the form below. We do not allow year 5 & 6 children to collect siblings.
We are aware that some families will have completed letters in the past, but feel it is important to update this information on a yearly basis.
If you have not completed this form and returned it to the school office your child will NOT be allowed home alone.
Thank you to all parents and carers for completing this form. If you have any questions call the office.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Golding Headteacher